Merit Badges
Merit Badge Workbooks and Info
Merit Badge Requirements
Eagle Required Merit Badges
The process for earning merit badges
- The Scout develops an interest in a merit badge and may begin working on the requirements.
- The Scout discusses his interest in the merit badge with his Scoutmaster.
- The Scoutmaster signs a blue card and provides the Scout with at least one counselor contact.
- The Scout contacts the counselor.
- The counselor considers any work toward requirements completed prior to the initial discussion with the unit leader.
- The Scout and the counselor meet (often several times).
- The Scout finishes the requirements.
- The counselor approves completion.
- The Scout returns the signed blue card to his Scoutmaster, who signs the applicant record section of the blue card.
- The Scoutmaster gives the blue card to the advancement chairperson.
- The unit reports the merit badge to the council.
- The Scout receives his merit badge at the next court of honor.