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Citizenship in the Society Prerequisites

The focus of the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to provide you with information on diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethical leadership. You’ll learn why these qualities are important in society and in Scouting, as well as how to help other people at all times and serve as a leader and an upstander. The Boy Scouts of America continues to be committed to developing a culture in which every youth, volunteer, and employee feels included and welcomed and to build communities where every person feels respected and valued. Directions: Before meeting for the merit badge class, read each of the following carefully, research the topic, and write detailed responses. Where research is part of the task, cite your informational sources. Then be  prepared to discuss your responses during the class.

1. Define the following terms: Identity • Inclusion • Diversity • Discrimination • Equity • Ethical Leadership • Equality • Upstander.

2. Document and explain what leadership means to you.

3. Research and describe an individual you feel has demonstrated positive leadership while having to make an ethical decision. Explain what decision and/or options that leader had, why you believe they chose their final course of action, and the outcome of that action.

4. Describe what you personally can do to create a welcoming environment in your Scouting unit.

5. Describe an experience you had in which you went out of your way to include another Scout(s) and what you did to make them feel included and welcomed.

6. With the help of your parent or guardian, study an event that had a positive outcome on how society viewed a group of people and made them feel more welcome. Describe the event and what you learned.

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