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Trail Stove Recipes

Trail Stove Recipes

Cheesy Grits

  • Instant Grits
  • Shelf-Stable Cheddar Cheese
  • Bacon Bits or shelf-stable Bacon

Heat the desired amount of water to boiling for the amount of grits you want via the directions on the packet. Stir in grits and then add cheese and bacon and stir till combined.

Eggs And Potatoes

  • Egg
  • Instant Mashed Potatoes
  • Shelf-Stable Cheese

Crack your eggs into a freezer bag or cooking pouch and scramble. Boil bag in water till egg is cooked. Measure out desired amount of instant mashed potatoes and appropriate amount of water, combine and let sit for a minute or so. Combine all ingredients together.

Chicken Casserole

  • 1 can cooked white meat chicken
  • Shelf Stable Parmesan
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Instant Mashed Potatoes

Dump your chicken into the JetBoil without draining it and heat till warm, stirring while the burner is on. Add the appropriate amount of water for the mashed potatoes and heat. Stir in mashed potatoes and seasonings and let sit, covered, for a few minutes.

Tuna Carrot Casserole

  • 1 Packet Tuna
  • 1 Large Carrot, sliced thin
  • Egg Noodles
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 2 packets mayo
  • French Fried Onions

Boil water and cook egg noodles until tender, dump out most of the water but leave some. Add in carrot and onion and heat until fragrant, stirring continuously. Once water is evaporated, add in tuna and mayo and combine. Top with crunchy french fried onions.

Chicken Soup

  • Water
  • 2 bullion cubes
  • 1/4 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/4 cup chopped celery
  • 1/3 cup of fideo pasta
  • Small can of chicken

Fill water to halfway in jetboil

Add bullion cubes

Add chopped carrots and celery

Add  pasta

Bring to boil

Add chicken and heat for 1 min more.

Turn off heat and serve.


Taco Chicken Wraps

  • 1 can white meat chicken
  • Taco Seasoning
  • tortillas
  • avocado
  • tomato
  • freeze dried corn

Add corn into JetBoil and cover with water, bring to a boil. Dump out the water. Drain chicken and add to cup. Add taco seasoning. Cook, stirring constantly, until warm. Serve on tortillas with slices of avocado and tomatoes.

Pizza Pot

  • Couscous
  • Shelf-Stable Parmesan Cheese
  • String Mozzarella
  • Shelf-Stable Pepperoni
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Italian Seasoning Packet

Cook couscous as directed. When it gets to the find stage when the couscous is resting and absorbing the water, add in everything else on the top to heat it. After a few minutes, stir to combine.

The best part about all of these recipes is they’re great for a multi-day hike because all of them involve foods that don’t need refrigeration. There are tons of resources out there for freeze-dried food recipes that will give mileage to your JetBoil. With a little planning and experimentation, you could make almost anything with a JetBoil.


Shrimp Fried Rice on YouTube

Popcorn on YouTube

Poached Eggs over Spicy Cheddar Polenta on YouTube

Shakshuka on YouTube


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